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April 17, 2024 2 min read

Fit is an important concern for many different items we may wear or utilize regularly, and an athletic mouthguard is a fantastic example. Fit is important for any mouthguard for several reasons, from safety to breathing quality and more, and there are a few ways to ensure that any mouthguard you're using fits well and is accomplishing its desired goals.

At Damage Control Mouthguards, we're here to provide clients with a wide range ofcustom mouthguard options across many sports and activities, including football mouthguards, boxing mouthguards and more. In this two-part blog series, we'll discuss why mouthguard fit is so important to begin with, plus some of the basic approaches to use to ensure that your mouthguard is a good fit for any need. 

Why Mouthguard Fit is Vital

Firstly, let's analyze why fit is so essential for any athletic mouthguard. The primary purpose of a mouthguard is to protect the teeth and jaw from impact, whether this comes via physical contact in sports or other activities where head trauma may be a risk. In these situations, proper fit is imperative for safety purposes – an ill-fitting mouthguard could slip out of place during impact, potentially leading to severe injury. 

Additionally, proper fit is also crucial for functional purposes. A well-fitted mouthguard allows for clear breathing and speaking while in use, making it more comfortable and practical for athletes during gameplay or training. This can improve performance and endurance by preventing issues like fatigue, dry mouth, or difficulty communicating with teammates. 

So how do you ensure you get a well-fitting mouthguard? Our next few sections, and on into part two of this series, will answer this question.

Tongue Check

The first element of fit to consider with a mouthguard is simply that the item will sit in your mouth without any need to be held down by your teeth or tongue, and one great way to test this is by doing a simple "tongue check."

With the mouthguard in place, close your jaw gently and run your tongue along its surface, attempting to remove the mouthguard solely with your tongue. If the mouthguard stays in place, you're on the right track – but if it falls out, especially during a tongue check, this is a sign that the fit isn't quite right and may need to be adjusted. If this happens, you may need to look for a better fit. 

Fully Covering Teeth and Gums

As you're running your tongue along the surface of the mouthguard, also pay attention to whether it fully covers your teeth and gums. Any gaps or areas where teeth or gums are exposed could leave those areas vulnerable to impact during athletic activity. If you notice any discrepancies here, again, this is a sign that the fit may need some adjustments.

In part two of our series, we'll go over additional methods for testing and ensuring proper mouthguard fit. At Damage Control Mouthguards, we have a variety of custom-fit options to choose from so that you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Contact us today to learn more or to discuss your options with one of our representatives.

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